Zdravo družina in prijatelji!!
To bo hitro zdaj, ker nimam veliko časa zdaj sicer sem zapisal vse po angleško in slovensko ta teden. Zakaj bi vprašel? Ker ta teden, jaz pa starašina simon pomagava enemu človeku prenehati kajenje, tako da lahko se krstiti. Prav tako, jim pomagati, odločila sva, da bova prenehala angleščino ta teden z njim kot preneha cigarete.
Ampak res, ta teden je bil čudoviten. Sestri sta prišli v ponedeljek, in sta bili tukaj za kot 5 dni. Veliko pomoči sta. Imava več časa zdaj da sta tukaj.
Malo zgodba o tem človeku. On je imel stik z cerkvijo za dolg časa zdaj, pet let? deset let? ne vem. Zelo zelo dolg časa. Ve, brez dvoma da je resnična, ampak imel je samo en problem. Kadi. Prav tako, noben se lahko krstiti kot kadi zaradi besede madrosti (Če hočeš vedeti več o tem, glej
mormon.org, ali uprašaj mormona ali misionarske). Mnogi krat se je trudil prenehati, ampak nimel uspeh. In zdaj, zlasti ta teden, se mu bova trudila pomagati. Ima res željo in pričevanje, samo res nore tržave z kajenjem. Ampak vemo da z bogom, vse je mogoče. In upam da z neijno vero, pomočjo, in vero ter pomočjo veje tukaj v Celju, lahko premaga kajanje in stopi skozi vode krsta ter se pridruže zbor svetov v celju.
Želim da vse je prav doma in veliko uspeha!!
Dobra želja
- Starešina Benson
Hello family and friends!
This will be fast now, because I don't have a lot of time, because I have written everything in English and Slovene this week. Why you ask? Because this week, I and Elder Simon are helping a man to quit smoking, so that he can be baptized. Therefore, to help him, we decided that we will quit English for the week as he quits cigarettes.
But really, this week was miraculous. The sisters same on Monday, and were here for like 5 days. They are a lot of help. We two have more time now that they two are here.
A little story about that man. He has had contact with the church for a long time now, five years? Ten years? I don't know. A very very long time. He knows, without doubt that it is true, but he had only one problem. He smokes. Therefore, no one can be baptized as they smoke becasue of the word of wisdom (If you want to know more about that, look at mormon.org, or ask a Mormon or the missionaries). Many times he tried to quit, but he didn't have success. And now, especially this week, we will try to help him. He has a real wish and testimony, only a really crazy problem with smoking. But we know that with God, all is possible. And I hope that with our faith, help, and the faith and help of the branch here in Celje, he can overcome smoking and step into the waters of baptism and join the group of the saints in Celje.
I wish that all is well at home, and a lot of success!!
Good Wishes
- Elder Benson