Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Help One Another

Hello all family and friends!!!

I won't comment on the weather. It's snowing again right now. But spring is here. Flowers and coming up. But it's snowing. Again.

But everything is well otherwise!! This is the last week of the transfer. A week from today three Slovene missionaries will go home and two new ones will come in. What President is going to do to fill the hole of not having 2 sisters come in instead of one? We will see. Also, today. Today!! Is my six month mark being in Slovenia. It's been a fantastic experience and have had the blessing of meeting so many wonderful people and seeing the opportunity of people changing through the power and Atonement of Jesus Christ to become significantly happier and better people.

I have especially seen this in one of the people we have been meeting with recently. The first time he came to church, he felt something unique, that Spirit of God, which began him on the course to change and happiness. Even the other day when we met with him, he was able to tell story after story after story of how he has become a different person recently, in some cases week to week and day to day. He is better able to be a real, sincere friend to others instead of one who is more concerned about self. But most significantly, his relationship with God is one of the most amazing things which he has grown. From being in a world of acting out of tradition and nothing else to coming to an understanding of who God is, and how to build a real relationship with Him and His Son Jesus Christ, His life has changed. As he has learned to ask and search for help from on high, he has been able to receive, which is more valuable than anything else.

I know this work is real and that God works through many people. Awhile back I compared God to the master Architect, not the architect of buildings, but the architect of people. He knows exactly how each and every person on earth fits into each other's lives in a composition of more incredible complexity than we can even hope to imagine and understand. But as we come to a better understanding of our personal place in God's scheme, the better understanding we have of His overall scheme for everyone. This knowledge and surety is something which cannot be replaced, and has no comparison, and is something I have had the opportunity to experience everyday on my mission so far. I'm grateful that I still have so much time ahead of me to be a help in the lives of others full time.

I hope everyone is well at home. I hear the weather is frightfull..lly warm. 
Enjoy and much love!
-Starešina Benson

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